Friday, September 11, 2015

Nice to meet you! Welcome to "Mom Life, Craft Life, Love Life!"

Hola, Hello! Welcome to my blog "Mom Life, Craft Life, Love Life!" My name is Malorie and I am the blessed mother to 4 incredible, and crazy kids ranging from 2 years old (actually, TERRIBLE twos with a capital T!) to 11 years old (aka the crazy, emotional, "I don't know who I am yet" stage). I currently am in a crossroads of leaving corporate management and now living in the land of "stay at home and focus on my passion of making, creating, crafting, and running my small business of handcrafted goods on Etsy Love Alumni Handcrafted Goods; all while cooking, cleaning, shuttling my 4 kids to and from school and practices, and running my charity efforts to donate journals I make with my own 2 hands to incredibly brave kids who have been exposed to domestic violence so that they can engage in therapeutic writing. Also, while still tending to our cheerful, loving dog Lola, and making sure I make time for my wonderful, hard-working husband!! (not in that order of course! Lol....)"

Any-who, it's all VERY exciting and stressful all at once but I figured I need some type of creative outlet so that I do not lose my mind in the process of this wonderful transition. Therefore, since I'm also an avid writer at heart, I said to myself, "Malorie, you need at least 1 thing you do for yourself besides having your delicious coffee while listening to gangster rap!" (lol, don't judge me.) And, WHALLA!!!!! This blog of awesomeness was birthed into my jumbled brain! :) I'm excited to incorporate my love for writing, crafting, creativity, motherhood, and above all, LOOOOOVE into one big, fantastic, therapeutic, blog! Considering that most of my work for my Etsy shop is done during what I like to call, "The Naptime Hustle Hour" aka "When my 2 year old finally goes down for her naptime." I will have to find a scheduling system that will work with my new blog, my business, my kiddos, hubby, and my charity efforts,.....BUT, it's going to be a great ride and I'm so excited to help you get your hand working and creative juices flowing! :) So thank you in joining me on this journey of crazy motherhood, crafting, family, love, life, and gallons, and gallons of coffee and wine (depending on the occasion and time of day). So grab the kiddos or conquer a couple of my fun crafting projects solo for some alone time (just in case that exists for some other lucky mothers out there lol), and let's have fun, and CREATE!

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